Unix / Linux Software
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Premium Edition - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 250-499 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
HP Service Manager by Subscription - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - hosted - electronic - UNIX, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - additional 10 TB capacity - ESD - for non-HPE Array - UNIX
HPE Intelligent Management Center Standard Edition - Licence - 50 nodes - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Application Tuner Express - Media - for x86 - Linux
UniDAC Professional - Single Licence (upgrade) - 1 developer - upgrade from Standard - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 75-99 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SolarWinds Serv-U Gateway - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Maintenance - ESD - out of maintenance - Linux, Win
Quantum Vision - (v. 4.x) - licence - 20 additional devices - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Advanced Backup to Disk - Licence - 10TB capacity - UNIX, Win
UniDAC Professional Edition with Source Code - Team Licence (upgrade) - up to 4 developers - upgrade from Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server - licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server
HPE Aruba ClearPass New Licensing Onboard - Licence - 100 users - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, iOS, Chrome OS
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - additional 1 TB capacity - ESD - Linux
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 1 server - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level E - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
ODAC Professional Edition - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for SQL Server, MySQL, or Oracle SE - Licence + 1st year Maintenance - 1 instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - Linux, UNIX, Win
SNAplus2 API - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - additional 10 TB capacity - ESD - UNIX
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 5-9 licences - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Licence - 1000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Remote Graphics Software - (v. 7) - licence - 1 floating licence - electronic - Linux, Win
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
HPE Data Center Automation Appliance - (v. 1.00) - media - electronic - Linux, Win - English
UniDAC Professional - Site License + 1 Year Subscription - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - Linux
Visual Paradigm Standard - Site Licence (maintenance renewal) (1 year) - ESD - reinstate expired - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Product upgrade licence - 1 server - upgrade from Serv-U FTP Server - volume - 5-9 licences - ESD - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Serv-U Gateway - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - ESD - Linux, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Licence - 1000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
HPE Server Automation Ultimate - Product upgrade licence - upgrade from HPE Data Center Automation Appliance Premium - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Serviceguard Storage Management for Oracle Premium - (v. 5.1) - licence - HP-UX
HPE - Licence - 1TB capacity - electronic - for non-HP Array - Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Subscription (5 years) + 5 Years 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - flexible licence - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 800-999 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SNAplus2 Enterprise Extend Network Node - Licence - 1 processor - electronic - HP-UX
Intelligent Management Center MPLS VPN Manager (MVM) Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) - Licence - 1 gateway - Linux, Win
Microsoft R Server for Hadoop on Red Hat - Licence & software assurance - academic, Faculty - Campus, School, EES - Linux - All Languages
LanSchool - Site Licence (competitive upgrade) - 1 school (up to 250 devices) - K-12 Schools - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, iOS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 user CAL - GOV - Open Value Subscription - Level D - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
JetBrains CLion - Licence + 1 Year Upgrade Subscription - commercial - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Product upgrade licence - 1 server - upgrade from Serv-U FTP Server - volume - 25+ level - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
HPE Operations Manager Operations/Performance Manager for HP-UX - (v. 9.20) - media - electronic - HP-UX - English
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 2500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 10-19 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SonicWall Global Management System Standard Edition - Licence - 25 nodes - Win, Solaris - English - North America
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 user CAL - Open Value Subscription - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Site License - (v. 4) - Site License + 1 Year Subscription - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 2500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
JProfiler - Licence - 1 developer - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, FreeBSD
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - Linux
Micro Focus Backup Navigator - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - 250-499 TB - ESD - Linux
HPE Operations Manager / Performance Manager - (v. 9.20) - media - ESD - Linux - Spanish
Cleversafe dsNet Accesser for Red Hat - Licence + 5 Years Support - 1TB capacity - electronic - Linux
ODAC Professional Edition - Site Licence (subscription renewal) (1 year) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 600-799 licenses - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 5000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Cisco Data Center Network Manager LAN Enterprise License - (v. 6.1) - licence - 1 switch - Linux, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 1500-5000 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE C/aC++ Developer's Bundle - Licence - 1 processor - electronic - HP-UX
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 20-29 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Team Licence (upgrade) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 5001-9999 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Oracle Data Access Components Professional Edition - Site Licence (subscription renewal) (1 year) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 20-29 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
MirrorDisk/UX for Servers - Licence - 1 core - 2 sockets, 4 sockets - electronic - HP-UX
UniDAC Professional - Subscription team licence renewal (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
ODAC Standard Edition - Site Licence (subscription licence renewal) (1 year) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 1 server - GOV - Open Value Subscription - Level D - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 25000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 1000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Oracle Data Access Components Professional Edition - Site License (upgrade) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Oracle Data Access Components Professional - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
StruxureWare Data Center Expert - Subscription licence - 100 nodes - Download - Linux, Win
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier AAA Concurrency and Wholesale Module - Licence - Solaris
Enterprise Architect Unified - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 named user - Linux, Win, Mac
iStorage datAshur SD KeyWriter - Licence - volume - 10-49 licences - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, Chrome OS
Rider - Subscription licence (3rd year) - 1 user - commercial - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Intel Enterprise Edition for Lustre - Licence + 3 Years Software Subscription and Support - electronic - Level 1-3 - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 25000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence - 1 additional server - volume - 5-9 licences - ESD - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
UniDAC Standard Edition - Site License - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Standard Edition - Team Licence - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Micro Focus Backup Navigator - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - 1-9 TB - ESD - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 5-9 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
StruxureWare Data Center Expert - Licence - 10 nodes - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector On-line extension - Licence - 1 system / partition - electronic - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - for non-HP Array - UNIX
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - HP-UX
SonicWall Global Management System Standard Edition - Upgrade licence - 250 nodes - Win, Solaris
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier HLR Gateway SIGTRAN stack - Licence - 1 server - Solaris
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 30-49 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 50000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Red Hat Resilient Storage Add-on - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets, unlimited guests - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.10) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - Spanish
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 20-29 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - upgrade from HPE Docker CS Engine - ESD - UNIX
datAshur SD KeyWriter - Licence - volume - 1-9 licences - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, Chrome OS
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Ultimate Edition - Upgrade licence - 1TB capacity - upgrade from HPE Data Protector - 250-499 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
Red Hat Network Satellite Flexible License - Standard subscription (5 years) + 5 Years 24x7 Support - ESD - Linux
HPE Serviceguard for HP-UX - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
HPE Serviceguard for Linux x86 Enterprise - Flexible upgrade licence - 1 socket - upgrade from Advanced Edition - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 1500-5000 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 1000-1499 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 2-4 licences - ESD - out of maintenance - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Enterprise Architect Unified - Upgrade licence - 1 floating user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SecureBridge Standard Edition - Site Licence (subscription renewal) (1 year) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Premium Edition - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1-249 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (5 years) - 1000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Licence - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 25+ level - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
ODAC Professional Edition - Licence - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Veritas System Recovery Linux Edition - On-Premise licence + 1 Year Essential Support - 1 server - corporate - CLP - Linux
ODAC Standard Edition - Team Licence + 1 Year Subscription - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.00) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - German
HPE Docker Enterprise Advanced - Subscription licence (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - ESD - UNIX
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 25000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - Linux
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier Session State Registrar - Licence - 1 additional node - Solaris
HPE StoreEver Archive Manager - Capacity Upgrade - 500 TB capacity - ESD - requires HPE StoreEver Archive Manager Base Licence - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Starter Pack - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - ESD - HP-UX
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Subscription licence (5 years) - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - for non-HPE Array - Linux
Cisco Data Center Network Manager for Nexus 9300 - Licence - Linux - for P/N: N9K-C9232C-ZZ-PE, N9K-C9232C-ZZ-PI
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SNAplus2 TN3270 - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
HPE Network Node Manager i - (v. 10.10) - media - ESD - Linux - Spanish
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Edition - Team Licence + 1 Year Subscription - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE - Licence - electronic - Linux, Win
NVIDIA GRID for Education - Licence - 1 concurrent user - Linux, Win
VERITAS Volume Manager - (v. 5.1) - licence - 1 processor - electronic - HP-UX
HPE OneView without iLO Advanced Flexible License - upgrade licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support
iStorage datAshur SD KeyWriter - Licence - volume - 500-999 licences - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, Chrome OS
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Juniper Networks NetScreen-Security Manager - Licence - 25 devices - Linux, UNIX, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup Extension - Licence - 10TB capacity - electronic - Linux
HP OneView with iLO Advanced - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 1 physical server - hosted - OpenVMS - for ProLiant BL660c Gen8, DL380 Gen9 High Performance
HPE - Licence - 10TB capacity - electronic - for non-HP Array - Linux
SonicWall Global Management System Standard Edition - Upgrade licence - 1000 nodes - Win, Solaris
HPE Integrity Online Virtual Machines Migration - Licence - Per Socket License - HP-UX
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - ESD - out of maintenance - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Micro Focus Data Protector Starter Pack - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - ESD - Solaris
HPE XP P9000 Performance Advisor - Licence - 1TB capacity - Enterprise - Win
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription upgrade licence (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - upgrade from HPE Docker CS Engine - ESD - UNIX
Juniper Networks NetScreen-Security Manager - Licence - 500 additional devices - Linux, UNIX, Win
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 user CAL - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level F - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Control Center Video Session Recorder - Box pack - 512 nodes - flash drive - Linux, Win
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Edition - (v. 4) - Team Licence (upgrade) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard Team license - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Red Hat High-Avaliability Add-On - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets, unlimited virtual guests - ESD - Linux
HPE Foundation Software 2 - Media - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - UNIX
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier Core AAA - Licence - 1 server - Solaris - EAP-AKA, EAP-SIM
HPE Integrity Virtual Machines - (v. 11i v3) - licence - 1 socket, 1 quad-core CPU - electronic - HP-UX
HPE StoreEver Archive Manager - Capacity Upgrade - 1 PB capacity - requires HPE StoreEver Archive Manager Base Licence - Linux, Win
SNAplus2 RJE - - electronic - Linux, Win
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Subscription (5 years) + 5 Years 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - flexible licence - Linux
HPE Serviceguard for Linux Enterprise - Flexible upgrade licence - 1 socket - upgrade from HP Serviceguard Linux x86 Base - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 100000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - for non-HP Array - Linux
Cisco Data Center Network Manager for SAN Advanced Edition for MDS 9100 - Licence - 1 switch - Linux, Win, Solaris
OnLineJFS - (v. 5.1) - licence - 8+ processors - HP-UX
HPE Serviceguard Extension for SAP - Licence - 1 socket - 2-4 sockets - ESD - Per Socket License - HP-UX
HPE Docker Enterprise Edition Advanced - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - ESD - UNIX
Cleversafe dsNet Accesser - Licence + 1 Year Support - 1 physical server - electronic - Linux
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier - Licence - 1000000 concurrent sessions - Solaris
Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints Premier - licence - 10 licences
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 800-999 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SonicWALL Email Security Virtual Appliance - Upgrade licence - 1 server - Secure Upgrade Plus - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i Ultimate Edition - Migration licence - upgrade from HPE NNM iSPI Network Engineering Toolset - volume - 7000+ level - electronic - Linux, Win, HP-UX, Solaris
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier AAA SIM Authentication module - Licence - 1 server - Solaris
HPE XP7 Data Exchange - Licence - 1 server - Linux, Win, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - Linux
Lenovo XClarity Pro - Licence + 3 Years Software Subscription and Support - 1 managed server - Linux, Win - for System x3250 M6
HPE OneView with iLO Advanced Flexible License - licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 1 licence
HP Remote Graphics Software - (v. 7.x) - licence - 1 floating licence - electronic - Linux, Win - for Workstation Z238
HP ZCentral Remote Boost 2020 - Standard License - 1 physical/virtual desktop - CTO - Linux, Win, Mac
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Edition - Site License (upgrade) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier Core AAA - Licence - 1 server - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 2-4 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Juniper Networks Contrail Service Orchestration - Subscription licence (1 year) + Annual Support - 2 virtual machines, 25 virtualised network functions (VNFs) - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Starter Pack - Licence - 1 drive, unlimited agents - Linux
Juniper Networks Contrail Service Orchestration - Licence - 2 virtual machines, 25 virtualised network functions (VNFs) - Linux
APC InfraStruXure Central - Licence - 100 nodes - Linux, Win - for P/N: G3HT30KHLMS, G3HT40KHL-INS, G55TUPSM20HB15S, G55TUPSM30HB15S, G55TUPSM30HS
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription licence (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - ESD - UNIX
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Subscription licence (3 years) - 2500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
HPE MetroCluster - Licence and media - 1 cluster - ESD - HP-UX - with StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA
SonicWall Global Management System - Upgrade licence - 1 node - Win, Solaris - English
ODAC Standard Edition - Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Enterprise Architect Professional Edition - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 floating user - volume - 101+ level - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Quantum StorNext Data Replication Option - Licence - 1 controller - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, SGI Irix, Solaris
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 1000-1499 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Standard Edition - Single licence - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Enterprise Architect Unified - Floating Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 user - volume - 1-49 licences - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.10) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - Russian
HPE Serviceguard Extension for SAP - Licence - HP-UX
SecureBridge - Upgrade licence - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HPE Integrity Essentials Capacity Advisor - Licence - 1 socket - electronic - Per Socket License - HP-UX
Enterprise Architect Ultimate Floating Edition - Product upgrade licence - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Online Backup extension - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1 system/partition - ESD - UNIX
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - Korean
Enterprise Architect Ultimate Edition Standard License - Product upgrade licence - 1 named user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.10) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - French
Micro Focus Data Protector Drive Extension for UNIX, NAS, SAN - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - ESD - Win, NW, Linux
iStorage datAshur SD KeyWriter - Licence - volume - 50-99 licences - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, Chrome OS
HPE Network Node Manager i - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux - German
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (3 years) - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Advanced Backup to Disk - Licence - 1TB capacity - electronic - UNIX, Win
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.00) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - French
Micro Focus Data Protector Extended Online Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1 server - ESD - Linux, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 1-4 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - for non-HPE Array - UNIX
HPE Continental Clusters - Licence - 1 cluster - HP-UX
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Licence - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
VMware Horizon Advanced - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 50000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 device CAL - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level E - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Enterprise Architect Unified - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - volume - 1-49 licences - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Cleversafe dsNet Accesser for Red Hat - Licence + 1 Year Support - 1TB capacity - electronic - Linux
HPE Data Center Automation Appliance Express - Licence - 1 OS instance - electronic - Linux, Win
Acronis Backup Advanced for Server - Subscription licence (1 year) - Linux, Win
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier AAA JavaScripting Module - Licence - 1 server - lab - Solaris
HPE - - electronic - Linux
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - GOV - Open Value Subscription - Level D - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
HPE Service Health Reporter Advanced - Migration licence - 5000 nodes - upgrade from HP Performance Insight - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE C/aC++ Developer's Bundle - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
Hyena Enterprise Edition - Upgrade licence (1 year) - 100 agents - volume - 10-24 licences - Linux
Juniper Networks NetScreen-Security Manager - Licence - 50 additional devices - Linux, UNIX, Win
ODAC Standard Edition - Site License + 1 Year Subscription - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Enterprise Architect Unified - Upgrade licence - 1 floating user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Professional Edition (1 named user) - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Drive Extension - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - ESD - Win, NW, Linux
HPE Intelligent Management Center Service Operation Management Software Module - Licence - electronic - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Premium Edition - Licence - 1TB capacity - 1-249 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
HPE Backup Navigator - Licence - 1TB capacity - 250-499 TB - electronic - Linux
HPE OneView without iLO Advanced - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 1 server - factory integrated - Linux, Win, OpenVMS - for ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 for Weka Base Tracking
HPE Intelligent Management Center Enterprise Edition - Licence - 50 nodes - electronic - Linux, Win
SNAplus2 Link - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
Enterprise Architect Ultimate Edition - Upgrade licence - 1 floating user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Unified Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Backup Drive - Licence - 1 additional drive - electronic - UNIX
Intel Enterprise Edition for Lustre - Licence + 5 Years Software Subscription and Support - electronic - Level 1-3 - Linux
Enterprise Architect Ultimate Floating Edition - Product upgrade licence - 1 concurrent user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Drive Extension for UNIX, NAS, SAN - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - ESD - Win, NW, Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Subscription licence (1 year) - 1000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 8x5 Support - 15 cartridges - electronic - Linux
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier - Licence - 50000 concurrent sessions - Solaris
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (1 year) - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier AAA Session Control Module - Licence - 1 server - Solaris
SonicWALL Email Security Virtual Appliance - Licence - 1 server - Linux, Win
HPE Event Monitoring Service High Availability Monitors - Licence - 1 user - HP-UX
HPE Serviceguard for Linux x86 Advanced - Flexible upgrade licence - 1 socket - upgrade from Base Edition - Linux
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Site License - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Intelligent Management Center Standard Edition - Product upgrade licence - 200 nodes - upgrade from HP PCM+ - electronic - Linux, Win
HP OneView without iLO Advanced Flexible License - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - hosted - electronic - OpenVMS - for ProLiant BL660c Gen8, DL380 Gen9 High Performance
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - UNIX
UniDAC Professional Edition with Source Code - Site License (upgrade) - 1 company, unlimited developers - upgrade from Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup Extension - Licence - 1TB capacity - electronic - Linux
APC InfraStruXure Central - Licence - 25 nodes - Linux, Win - for P/N: G3HT30KHLMS, G3HT40KHL-INS, G55TUPSM20HB15S, G55TUPSM30HB15S, G55TUPSM30HS
Red Hat Network Satellite - Standard subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - electronic - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager Platform - Enterprise licence - 25 licences, 500 unique endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - GOV - Open Value Subscription - Level D - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
HPE C/aC++ Developer's Bundle - Licence - 1 socket - electronic - HP-UX
ODAC Professional Edition - Team Licence (subscrpition renewal) (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Micro Focus Data Protector Starter Pack - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - ESD - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Starter Pack - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - ESD - Solaris
Intelligent Management Center MPLS VPN Manager (MVM) - Licence - 50 additional nodes - Linux, Win
Red Hat Resilient Storage Add-on - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets/2 virtual guests - ESD - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager Platform - Enterprise licence - 25 licences, 5000 unique endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Remote Graphics Software - (v. 7) - licence - 1 chassis - electronic - Linux, Win
SonicWall Global Management System Standard Edition - Licence - 100 additional nodes - Win, Solaris - English
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Ultimate Edition - Upgrade licence - 1TB capacity - upgrade from HPE Data Protector and Backup Navigator - 500-1000 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 1000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Box pack - 1 server, 10 clients - DVD - Linux, Win - English
Cisco Data Center Network Manager LAN Enterprise License - (v. 4.1) - licence - 1 switch - ESD - Linux, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (5 years) - 2500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Extended Online Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1 server - ESD - Linux, Win
Quantum StorNext Data Deduplication Option - Licence - 1TB capacity - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, SGI Irix, Solaris
HPE MetroCluster with continuous access XP - Licence - 1 user - electronic - HP-UX
Visual Paradigm Modeler Edition - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 floating user - after expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Licence - 100000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Drive Extension - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - ESD - Win, NW, Linux
HPE Intelligent Management Center Wireless Service Manager - Licence - 50 access points - electronic - Linux, Win, Solaris SPARC - for P/N: JF414A, JF414AAE
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
HPE Application Tuner Express - Licence-To-Use - 2 - 4 sockets - ESD - Per Socket License, for x86 - Linux
JProfiler Floating License - Licence - 1 concurrent user - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, FreeBSD
Visual Paradigm Modeler Edition - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 site - after expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Serviceguard for Linux x86 Advanced - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1 socket - Linux
Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 server - after expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
SNAplus2 3270/3179G - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
ODAC Standard Edition - Subscription team licence renewal (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Lenovo XClarity Pro - Licence + 1 Year Software Subscription and Support - 1 managed chassis - Linux, Win
Dell iDRAC9 Enterprise - Licence - Linux, Win - for PowerEdge C6420
PyCharm - Subscription (1 year) - 1 developer - commercial - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Universal Data Access Components Standard Edition - Site License + 1 Year Subscription - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Subscription (5 years) + 5 Years 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - ESD - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 2-4 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Team Licence (upgrade) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Intelligent Management Center MPLS VPN Manager (MVM) - Licence - electronic - Linux, Win
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Product upgrade licence - 1 server - upgrade from Serv-U FTP Server - ESD - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Control Center Video Session Recorder - Box pack - 256 nodes - flash drive - Linux, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level F - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Serv-U Managed File Transfer Server - Upgrade licence - 1 additional server - volume - 25+ level - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win
Enterprise Cluster Master Toolkit - (v. B.02.11) - licence - 1 server - HP-UX
datAshur SD KeyWriter - Licence - volume - 1000+ level - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, Chrome OS
Micro Focus Data Protector Manager-of-Managers extension - Licence - 1 server - UNIX
HP Virtual Rooms - Subscription licence (1 year) - up to 5 people in one meeting - Linux, Win, Mac - English - Europe - SSL, AES-256 - for HP 100B; Pro 3300, 3305
HPE Continentalcluster for Linux x86 Base - Flexible licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1 socket - Linux
HPE Application Information Optimizer for v1 Source Database Transparency Opt. - Licence - unlimited CPU cores - electronic - Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
SNAplus2 Enterprise Extend Network Node - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Visual Paradigm Professional - Site Licence (maintenance renewal) (1 year) - ESD - reinstate expired - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription upgrade licence (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - upgrade from HPE Docker CS Engine - ESD - UNIX
Acctim Orion Silent Wall Clock White/Silver 21287. Large bold classic quartz wall clock. 320mm diameter glass lens. Sweeping second hand. Requires 1 x AA battery (not included).
Micro Focus Data Protector Single Server Edition - Licence - electronic - HP-UX
Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 server - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
Lenovo XClarity Pro - Licence + 1 Year Software Subscription and Support - 1 managed server - Linux, Win - for System x3250 M6
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 5000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Nagios Log Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance & Support - 10 instances - ESD - Linux
HPE OpenView OmniBack II Single Server Edition - (v. 4.0) - licence - 1 server, 1 drive - HP-UX - for 9000 G-Class; 9000 H-Class; 9000 I-Class; 9000 X-Class
Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server - licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Site License - Site Licence (subscription renewal) (1 year) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Network Node Manager i - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux - French
HPE Network Node Manager i - (v. 10.00) - media - electronic - Linux - English
HPE StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA4400 - Licence - unlimited capacity - upgrade from HP StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA for EVA3000/4000 - electronic - Linux, Win, NW, AIX, HP-UX, OpenVMS, Solaris, Tru64
HPE Multi-Computer/ServiceGuard NFS Toolkit - Box pack - 1 server - CD - HP-UX - English
ODAC Professional Edition - Team Licence (upgrade) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition - (v. 7.x) - product upgrade licence - 1 user - upgrade from Professional Edition - Linux, Win
HPE Serviceguard Cluster File System for RAC - (v. A.04.00) - licence - HP-UX
HPE Operations Manager Operations/Performance Manager for Solaris - (v. 9.20) - media - electronic - Solaris - English
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Team Licence (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 10000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Subscription licence (1 year) - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Licence + 1st year Maintenance - 1 instance - volume - 1-4 licences - Linux, UNIX, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - for non-HPE Array - UNIX
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 100-199 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SonicWall Global Management System Standard Edition - Licence - 25 additional nodes - Win, Solaris - English
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 400-599 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Intelligent Management Center Basic Edition - Licence - 50 nodes - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager Platform - Enterprise licence - 25 licences, 25000 Unique Endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Oracle Data Access Components Professional Edition - Site License + 1 Year Subscription - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
SonicWall Global Management System Standard Edition - Licence - 5 additional nodes - Win, Solaris - English
Visual Paradigm Standard - Site Licence (maintenance renewal) (1 year) - ESD - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Manager-of-Managers extension - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - ESD - UNIX
HPE 3PAR 7400 Peer Motion Base - Licence - 1 system - Linux, Win
Enterprise Architect Unified - Upgrade licence - 1 floating user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SecureBridge - Site License (upgrade) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 user - volume - 1-4 licences - Linux, Win
HPE Data Center Automation Appliance Premium - Upgrade licence - 1 OS instance - upgrade from Express Edition - electronic - Linux, Win
Visual Paradigm Professional - Floating Licence (maintenance renewal) (1 year) - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition Floating License - Upgrade licence - 1 concurrent user - volume - 1-4 licences - Linux, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 600-799 licenses - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Remote Graphics Software - (v. 7) - upgrade licence - 1 floating licence - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Network Node Manager i Ultimate Edition - Migration licence - upgrade from HPE NNM iSPI Network Engineering Toolset - volume - 250+ level - electronic - Linux, Win, HP-UX, Solaris
Lenovo XClarity Pro - Licence + 5 Years Software Subscription and Support - 1 managed server - Linux, Win - for System x3250 M6
Visual Paradigm Modeler Edition - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 seat - after expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 50000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier Core AAA - Licence - 1 server - Solaris - EAP-AKA, EAP-SIM
Visual Paradigm Modeler Edition - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 site - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence - 1 additional server - volume - 2-4 licences - ESD - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 1 server - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level F - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 device CAL - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level F - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Team Licence - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Single Licence (upgrade) - 1 developer - upgrade from Standard - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 10-19 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Integrity Virtual Machines Online Virtual Machine Migration - Licence - 1 CPU core - electronic - Win, HP-UX
Micro Focus Backup Navigator - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - 10-49 TB - ESD - Linux
Red Hat High-Avaliability Add-On - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets/2 virtual guests - Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
Enterprise Architect Unified - Upgrade licence - 1 floating user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition (1 named user) - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Serviceguard Extension for SAP - Licence - HP-UX
MirrorDisk/UX - Licence - 1 socket - 2 sockets, 4 sockets - ESD - Per Socket License - HP-UX
Intelligent Management Center MPLS VPN Manager (MVM) Cisco Device - Licence - 1 device - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Serviceguard for Linux for HP ProLiant/x86 Servers Single Quantity License - (v. A.11.20.10) - licence + 1 Year 24x7 Software Support - 1 core - 2 sockets - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Online Backup extension - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1 system/partition - ESD - UNIX
Cisco Data Center Network Manager for SAN Advanced Edition for MDS 9100 - Licence - 1 switch - Linux, Win, Solaris - for P/N: UCS-EP-MDS9148S-1, UCS-EP-MDS9148S-16
StruxureWare Central Virtual Machine Activation Key - Licence - Linux, Win - for P/N: G3HT30KHLMS, G3HT40KHL-INS, G55TUPSM20HB15S, G55TUPSM30HB15S, G55TUPSM30HS
HPE MetroCluster with continuous access XP - Licence - 1 processor - electronic - HP-UX
Cleversafe dsNet Accesser for Red Hat - Licence + 3 Years Support - 1TB capacity - electronic - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Fortran 90 - Box pack - 1 server - CD - HP-UX - English
Visual Paradigm Professional - Site Licence (maintenance renewal) (1 year) - ESD - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
VMware Horizon Advanced - Licence + 5 Years 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Operations Manager Operations/Performance Manager for HP-UX - (v. 9.20) - media - ESD - HP-UX - Spanish
Juniper Networks NetScreen-Security Manager - Licence - 100 additional devices - Linux, UNIX, Win
Oracle Data Access Components Professional Edition - Team Licence (upgrade) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HP Remote Graphics Software - Licence and media - electronic - Linux, Win - for Workstation xw4600
Micro Focus Data Protector Backup Drive - Licence - 1 additional drive - electronic - Linux, Win, NW
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - Open Value Subscription - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 75-99 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
VERITAS Volume Manager - (v. 5.1) - licence - 1 processor - HP-UX
HPE Remote Graphics Software - (v. 7) - licence - electronic - Linux, Win
UniDAC Standard Edition - Single licence - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Serviceguard Extension for SAP on IPF Linux - Licence - 1 socket - ESD - Per Socket License - Linux
VMware Horizon Standard - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
HP Remote Graphics Software - Licence and media - electronic - Linux, Win - for Workstation xw4600
Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition Floating License - Licence - volume - Linux, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 30-49 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - UNIX
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 200-399 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Red Hat Resilient Storage Add-on - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets/2 virtual guests - Linux
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Product upgrade licence - 1 server - upgrade from Serv-U FTP Server - volume - 10-24 licences - ESD - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Acronis Backup Advanced Server - Subscription licence renewal (3 years) - Linux, Win
SonicWall E-Class SRA Virtual Appliance - Licence - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 2500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Site License (upgrade) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Team Licence - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Quantum Vision - (v. 4.x) - licence - 10 additional devices - Linux, Win
HP OneView with iLO Advanced Tracking License - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 1 server - hosted - Physical to ProLiant - OpenVMS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 5-9 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE OneView - product upgrade licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 1 physical server
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 device CAL - Open Value Subscription - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Visual Paradigm Professional - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 seat - ESD - reinstate expired - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Operations Manager / Performance Manager - (v. 9.20) - media - ESD - Solaris - Spanish
HPE - Licence - 10TB capacity - electronic - for non-HP Array - HP-UX
HPE StoreEver Archive Manager - Capacity Upgrade - 2 PB capacity - requires HPE StoreEver Archive Manager Base Licence - Linux, Win
Dell iDRAC9 Express 15G - Licence - Linux, Win - with Customer Kit
APC InfraStruXure Central - Licence - 1000 nodes - Linux, Win - for P/N: G3HT30KHLMS, G3HT40KHL-INS, G55TUPSM20HB15S, G55TUPSM30HB15S, G55TUPSM30HS
HPE BASIC for OpenVMS I64 - Licence - 1 concurrent user - electronic - UNIX
MirrorDisk/UX for Servers - Licence - 1 server - 8 sockets - HP-UX
Cisco Wireless Control System Base License - Licence - 50 access points - Linux, Win
Universal Data Access Components Professional Edition - Single Licence (subscription renewal) (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - HP-UX
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Licence - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Oracle Data Access Components Standard for Windows - (v. 5) - licence and media - 1 user - Download - Linux, UNIX, Win - English
Acronis Backup Standard Server - Subscription licence renewal (3 years) - Linux, Win
HPE Server Automation Ultimate - Product upgrade licence - upgrade from HPE Data Center Automation Appliance Express - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Ultimate Edition - Upgrade licence - 1TB capacity - upgrade from HPE Data Protector - 500-1000 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
HPE StorageWorks Continuous Access EVA4400 - Licence - unlimited capacity - electronic - Linux, Win, NW, AIX, HP-UX, OpenVMS, Solaris, Tru64
SecureBridge Standard Edition - Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Serviceguard for Linux x86 Enterprise - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1 socket - electronic - Linux
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - Open Value Subscription - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
HPE StoreEver Archive Manager - Capacity Upgrade - 2 PB capacity - ESD - requires HPE StoreEver Archive Manager Base Licence - Linux, Win
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Edition - Subscription team licence renewal (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.10) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - German
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - Linux
HPE OneView without iLO Advanced - Flexible licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - electronic - Linux, Win - for ProLiant DL325 Gen10 Plus V2 for Weka Base Tracking
Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server - licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server
Universal Data Access Components Professional Edition - Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Visual Paradigm Professional - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 seat - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - ESD - UNIX
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence - 1 additional server - volume - 10-24 licences - ESD - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Cisco Data Center Network Manager for SAN and LAN Advanced Edition - (v. 6.1) - licence - 1 switch - Linux, Win - for Nexus 5010, 5020, 5548, 5548P, 5548UP, 5596UP
Red Hat Smart Management Add-on - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets/2 virtual guests - ESD - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for SQL Server, MySQL, or Oracle SE - Licence + 1st year Maintenance - 1 instance - volume - 5-9 licences - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Ultimate Edition - Upgrade licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - upgrade from HPE Data Protector - 1-249 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability Add-On - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets, 2 guests - ESD - Linux
Acronis Backup Standard Server - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 server - Linux, Win
Intelligent Management Center MPLS VPN Manager (MVM) - Licence - 50 nodes - electronic - Linux, Win
SolarWinds Serv-U FTP Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - ESD - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
ODAC Professional Edition - Licence - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Licence - 500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Visual Paradigm Professional - Floating Licence (maintenance renewal) (1 year) - ESD - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 10000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
OnLineJFS - (v. 5.1) - licence - 8+ processors - electronic - HP-UX
HPE Serviceguard for HP-UX - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 1 server - Open Value Subscription - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Dell iDRAC8 Express - Licence - for Dell PowerEdge 200 - 500 series - Linux, Win - for PowerEdge C6320, T130, T330, T430
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 10-24 licences - ESD - out of maintenance - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE - Licence - 1TB capacity - electronic - for non-HP Array - HP-UX
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - Russian
Juniper Networks NetScreen-Security Manager - Licence - 1000 additional devices - Linux, UNIX, Win
Panasonic Go Connect Office (100 users) SA 1 year annual renewal
Quantum StorNext File System - Licence - 1 SAN client - Linux, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (5 years) - 5000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Virtual Server Environment Suite for Integrity servers - - HP-UX
HPE XP7 Dynamic Link Manager Advanced for Linux - Licence - Linux
Micro Focus Backup Navigator - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - 50-99 TB - ESD - Linux
HPE StoreFabric Data Center Network Manager - Licence - 1 switch - ESD - Linux, Win
Dell iDRAC8 Enterprise - Licence - Linux, Win - for PowerEdge C4130, C6320, FC630, M630, M830, T130, T330, T430, T630; PowerVault NX3230
HPE C/aC++ ANSI Developer's Bundle - Licence - 1 socket - ESD - Per Socket License - HP-UX
Red Hat Network Satellite Flexible License - Standard subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - Linux
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Standard Edition - Site Licence (subscription licence renewal) (1 year) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 10-19 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
VERITAS Backup Exec Remote Media Agent for Linux Servers - On-Premise licence + 1 Year Essential Support - 1 server - corporate - CLP - Linux
SonicWall Global Management System - Licence - 5 nodes - Win, Solaris
HPE Data Verification - Licence - 100 cartriges - electronic - Linux, Win
Quantum Vision - (v. 4.x) - licence - 5 additional devices - Linux, Win
HPE Database Archiving Platform - Licence - 25 mainframe applications - electronic - Linux, UNIX, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 50-74 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HP Remote Graphics Software - (v. 6) - licence - multi-user - electronic - Linux, Win
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Edition - Single Licence (subscription renewal) (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HPE OpenView Network Node Manager i-series - Licence - 50 nodes - volume - 11000+ level - electronic - Linux, Win - with iSPI Performance for Metrics (50 non-production licenses)
Micro Focus Data Protector Starter Pack - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - ESD - HP-UX
HPE Serviceguard for Linux Base - (v. A.12.00.00) - licence + 1 Year 24x7 Software Support - 1 socket - ESD - Linux
Dell iDRAC9 Enterprise - Perpetual licence - Linux, Win - with Customer Kit - for PowerEdge R640, R740, R740xd, R940
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 400-599 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SolarWinds Serv-U FTP Server - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - ESD - out of maintenance - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 5000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Standard Edition - Team Licence (subscrpition renewal) (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Mellanox Unified Fabric Manager Advanced - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - Linux
Carbonite Move - Subscription licence (60 days) + 24x7 Support - 1 source server - HPE Complete - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 75-99 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Serviceguard for Linux Enterprise - (v. A.12.00.00) - media - DVD - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Subscription licence (1 year) - 5000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 1000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 800-999 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Red Hat Smart Management Add-on - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets, unlimited virtual guests - ESD - Linux
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Standard Edition - Site License + 1 Year Subscription - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 1500-5000 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 200-399 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Scott Performance Toilet Tissue Roll 2-Ply White 320 Sheets Twin Pack 8538 Stronger toilet tissue to last longer. Reliable and consistent in quality and performance. Offers excellent value in use.
Oracle Data Access Components Professional Edition - Site License (upgrade) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Rider - Subscription licence (1 year) - 1 user - commercial - ESD - Linux, Mac, Win
Cleversafe dsNet Accesser - Licence + 3 Years Support - 1 physical server - electronic - Linux
HPE Continentalcluster for Linux x86 Base - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1 socket - electronic - Linux
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Product upgrade licence - 1 server - upgrade from Serv-U FTP Server - volume - 2-4 licences - ESD - maintenance expires on same day as existing seats - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Red Hat Network Satellite Flexible License - Standard subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - French
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 30-49 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE OpenView Operations Manager Basic Suite for Linux - Licence - electronic - Linux
HPE Serviceguard Extension for SAP for Linux - Flexible licence + 1 Year 24x7 Software Support - Linux
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - ESD - UNIX
Cloudera Enterprise Basic - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 15 cartridges - electronic - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for SQL Server, MySQL, or Oracle SE - Licence + 1st year Maintenance - 1 instance - volume - 1-4 licences - Linux, UNIX, Win
HP-UX X.25 - (v. 2) - licence - electronic - HP-UX
HPE Continental Clusters - Licence - 1 processor - HP-UX
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier AAA JavaScripting Module - Licence - 1 server - Solaris - EAP-AKA, EAP-SIM
PowerChute Network Shutdown - (v. 5) - subscription licence (5 years) - 1 node - for Dell EMC VxRail only - Linux, UNIX, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
Scality RING File Connector Fuse - Licence - electronic - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i - (v. 10.00) - media - ESD - Linux - Spanish
GoLand - Subscription licence (3rd year) - 1 user - commercial - Linux, Win, Mac
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
ODAC Professional Edition with Source Code - Subscription licence renewal (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
JProfiler Floating License - Licence - 1 concurrent user - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, FreeBSD
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 25+ level - out of maintenance - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - Linux
Visual Paradigm Standard - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 seat - ESD - reinstate expired - Linux, Win, Mac
ODAC Professional Edition - Team Licence + 1 Year Subscription - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
VMware Horizon Standard - Licence + 5 Years 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
Juniper Networks NetScreen-Security Manager - Licence - 25 additional devices - Linux, UNIX, Win
HP-UX Virtual Partitions and Integrity Virtual Machines - (v. 6.x) - licence - 1 quad-core CPU - ESD - HP-UX
JProfiler - Licence - 1 developer - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, FreeBSD
Universal Data Access Components Professional Edition - Site License (upgrade) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 10-24 licences - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 100000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Continental Clusters - Licence - electronic - HP-UX
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.00) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - Russian
Trust GXT 265 Cintar RGB - Stand for headphones, headset
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux - with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters
Micro Focus Data Protector Advanced Backup to Disk - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 100 TB capacity - ESD - UNIX, Win
KE Matrix Management Software - Box pack - CD, flash drive - Linux, Win
Lenovo XClarity Pro - Licence + 3 Years Software Subscription and Support - 1 managed chassis - Linux, Win
Acronis Backup Advanced Server - Subscription licence (2 years) - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector - Media - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX - Chinese (simplified)
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Subscription (5 years) + 5 Years 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - ESD - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Extended Online Backup - Licence - 1 server - electronic - Linux, Win
Visual Paradigm Standard - Floating Licence (maintenance renewal) (1 year) - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (1 year) - 10000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Structured Data Manager Platform - Licence - unlimited CPU cores, 5 sources - electronic - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Aruba ClearPass New Licensing Onboard - Licence - 500 users - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, iOS, Chrome OS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level E - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Standard subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 9x5 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux
Nagios Log Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance & Support - 20 instances - ESD - Linux
HPE 3PAR 7400 Peer Motion Base - Licence - 1 system - electronic - Linux, Win
UniDAC Professional - Team Licence (subscrpition renewal) (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Intel Enterprise Edition for Lustre - Licence + 1 Year Software Subscription and Support - electronic - Level 1-3 - Linux
SecureBridge Standard Edition - Team Licence + 1 Year Subscription - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 100-199 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Network Node Manager i - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux - Spanish
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier Diameter Module - Licence - 1 server - Solaris
Cleversafe dsNet Accesser - Licence + 5 Years Support - 1 physical server - electronic - Linux
HPE Foundation Software 2 - Licence - 1 system - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - additional 10 TB capacity - ESD - UNIX
Nagios XI Standard - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance & Support - 500 nodes - ESD - Linux
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Subscription licence (3 years) - 5000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level E - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
HPE StoreEver Archive Manager - Capacity Upgrade - 1 PB capacity - ESD - requires HPE StoreEver Archive Manager Base Licence - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Granular Recovery Extension - Licence - 1 server - electronic - Linux, Win
Enterprise Architect Unified - Upgrade licence - 1 floating user - upgrade from 1 named user - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
StruxureWare Data Center Expert - Licence - 100 nodes - Linux, Win - for P/N: G5K9635CH, G9K9635CH, G9KEPS9635CH
Micro Focus Backup Navigator - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - 100-249 TB - ESD - Linux
datAshur SD KeyWriter - Licence - volume - 100-499 licences - Linux, Win, Mac, Android, Chrome OS
HPE MetroCluster with EMC SRDF - Licence - 1 processor - HP-UX
HPE StoreEver Archive Manager - Capacity Upgrade - 500 TB capacity - requires HPE StoreEver Archive Manager Base Licence - Linux, Win
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 5001-9999 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE XP7 Dynamic Link Manager Advanced for AIX - Licence - 1 server (unlimited clients) - AIX
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - for non-HPE Array - Linux
Enterprise Architect Unified - Upgrade licence - 1 named user - upgrade from Corporate Edition - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 1000-1499 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Site License - Site License - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Nagios XI Standard - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance & Support - 400 nodes - ESD - Linux
GoLand - Subscription licence (1 year) - commercial - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Serviceguard for Linux Enterprise - (v. A.12.00.20) - flexible licence + 1 Year 24x7 Software Support - 1 socket - ESD - Linux
Cisco Data Center Network Manager for SAN Advanced Edition for MDS 9100 - Licence - 1 switch - Linux, Win, Solaris
HPE Data Center Automation Suite Premium Edition - (v. 2016.10) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - English
Enterprise Architect Corporate Edition Floating License - Product upgrade licence - 1 concurrent user - upgrade from Enterprise Architect Professional Edition - Linux, Win
HPE Intelligent Management Center Basic WLAN Manager - Product upgrade licence - 50 nodes, 150 access points - upgrade from HP PCM+ Mobility Manager - electronic - Linux, Win
Rider - Subscription licence (2nd year) - 1 user - commercial - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Visual Paradigm Standard - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 seat - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
Cisco Data Center Network Manager for LAN Advanced Edition - Licence - 1 switch - Linux, Win, Solaris - for Nexus 3016, 3016Q, 3048, 3048TP-1GE, 3064-E, 3064PQ, 3064-X
HPE Serviceguard for HP-UX - Licence - 1 core - electronic - HP-UX
VMware Horizon Enterprise - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
SonicWall Global Management System Standard Edition - Licence - 10 nodes - Win, Solaris - North America
HP Remote Graphics Software - (v. 7) - upgrade licence - electronic - Linux, Win - for Workstation Z238
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - 10TB capacity - ESD - for non-HP Array - Linux
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 5-9 licences - ESD - out of maintenance - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
HP OneView without iLO Advanced Tracking License - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 1 server - hosted - OpenVMS
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Premium Edition - Upgrade licence - 1TB capacity - upgrade from HPE Data Protector - 1-249 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
UniDAC Professional - Single licence + 1 Year Subscription - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Serviceguard for Linux Advanced - (v. A.12.00.20) - media - DVD - Linux
HPE Serviceguard Storage Management Suite - (v. A.04) - licence - Tier 3 - electronic - HP-UX
VMware Horizon Enterprise - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Advanced Backup to Disk - Licence - 100 TB capacity - UNIX, Win
Universal Data Access Components Professional Edition - Site License + 1 Year Subscription - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
Cloudera Enterprise Basic - Subscription licence (3 years) + 3 Years 8x5 Support - 1 node - electronic - Linux
HPE XP7 Dynamic Link Manager Advanced - Licence - 1 server (per 1 storage pair) - Solaris
Quantum StorNext Data Replication Option - Licence - 1 controller - Linux, Win, Mac, AIX, HP-UX, SGI Irix, Solaris
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer VM Option for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Licence + 1st year Maintenance - 1 instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - Linux, UNIX, Win
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Edition - Team Licence (subscrpition renewal) (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard - Buy-out fee - 2 cores - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level F - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 user CAL - academic - Open Value Subscription - Level E - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
MirrorDisk/UX - Licence - 1 processor - HP-UX
Microsoft R Server for Teradata DB - Licence & software assurance - academic, Faculty - Campus, School, EES - Linux - All Languages
HPE Serviceguard for Linux Enterprise - Flexible licence + 1 Year 24x7 Software Support - 1 socket - Linux
Micro Focus Data Protector Manager-of-Managers extension - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - ESD - UNIX
HP OneView with iLO Advanced Tracking Licence - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 16 servers - hosted - for ProLiant BladeSystem - OpenVMS
HPE Intelligent Management Center Basic WLAN Manager - Licence - 50 access points - electronic - Linux, Win
VMware Horizon Standard - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
MirrorDisk/UX - Licence - 1 core - electronic - HP-UX
Red Hat High-Avaliability Add-On - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets, unlimited virtual guests - Linux
HPE Adaptive Backup and Recovery Suite Premium Edition - Upgrade licence - 1TB capacity - upgrade from HPE Data Protector - 500-1000 TB - ESD - Linux, Win, HP-UX
HPE Dynamic Link Manager Advanced for AIX - Licence - 1 server - AIX
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 50-74 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SNAplus2 Link - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
HPE Aruba ClearPass Guest - Licence - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, iOS
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (5 years) - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 100-199 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
Lenovo XClarity Pro - Licence + 5 Years Software Subscription and Support - 1 managed chassis - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - additional 10 TB capacity - ESD - Linux
HPE Save Set Manager - - UNIX
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 5000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Serviceguard Continentalclusters for Linux - Media - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - German
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 400-599 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 10000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Serviceguard for Linux Base - (v. A.12.00.20) - media - DVD - Linux
HPE MetroCluster with EMC SRDF - Licence - 1 processor - electronic - HP-UX
StruxureWare Data Center Expert - Subscription licence - 500 Node Infrastructure Keys - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Starter Pack - Licence + 2 Years 24x7 Support - ESD - Linux
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 10000-20000 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
SecureBridge STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION TEAM LICENSE - Subscription team licence renewal (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Acronis Backup Advanced for Server - Subscription licence (3 years) - Linux, Win
Red Hat Resilient Storage Add-on - Subscription (5 years) - 2 sockets, unlimited guests - ESD - Linux
Universal Data Access Components Professional Edition - Single Licence (upgrade) - 1 developer - upgrade from Professional Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - English
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle SE - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 5-9 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE OnLineJFS - (v. 6.1) - licence - 4 sockets, 2 sockets - ESD - HP-UX
HPE Backup Navigator - Licence - 1TB capacity - 500-1000 TB - electronic - Linux
HP OneView with iLO Advanced Tracking Licence - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 1 server - hosted - OpenVMS
Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub - Subscription licence (3 years) + 3 Years Premium Support - 1 node - electronic - Linux
VMware Horizon Enterprise - Licence + 5 Years 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
Visual Paradigm Standard - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 floating licence - ESD - reinstate expired - Linux, Win, Mac
Visual Paradigm Modeler Edition - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 floating user - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription upgrade licence (3 years) + 3 Years 9x5 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - upgrade from HPE Docker CS Engine - ESD - UNIX
HPE Intelligent Management Center Virtualization Monitor - Licence - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Docker Datacenter - Subscription licence (3 years) + 3 Years 9x5 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - ESD - UNIX
Cisco Data Center Network Manager for Nexus 9300 - Licence - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i for Linux - (v. 10.00) - media - ESD - Linux - Russian
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - Spanish
Enterprise Architect Unified - Upgrade licence - 1 named user - upgrade from Professional Edition - Linux, Win, Mac
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (1 year) + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux
HPE OneView Advanced - Media - Linux, Win, OpenVMS
HPE Application Information Optimizer for v1 Source Database Platform - Licence - unlimited CPU cores - electronic - Linux, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
HPE Continental Clusters - Licence - 1 cluster - HP-UX
HPE Serviceguard Extension for SAP - Licence - 8+ processors - HP-UX
ODAC Professional Edition - Subscription team licence renewal (1 year) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Subscription licence (3 years) - 100 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
StruxureWare Data Center Expert - Licence - 25 Node Infrastructure Keys - Linux, Win - for P/N: G5K9635CH, G9K9635CH, G9KEPS9635CH
UniDAC Professional - Team Licence (upgrade) - up to 4 developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
SNAplus2 APPN End Node - Licence - 1 core - HP-UX
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 600-799 licenses - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Application Tuner Express - Licence-To-Use - 2 - 4 sockets - Per Socket License, for x86 - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i Smart Plug-in Performance for Metrics - (v. 10) - media - ESD - Linux, Win - Spanish
Arista CloudVision - Subscription licence (1 month) - unlimited switches - Enterprise - ESD - Linux - for Arista 7280R2
HP Service Manager by Subscription - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - 1 concurrent user - electronic - UNIX, Win
HPE Serviceguard for Linux x86 Base - Flexible licence + 1 Year 24x7 Software Support - 1 socket - Linux
HPE ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1 server - Linux, Win - for BLc3000 Enclosure; ProLiant BL460c Gen8, DL380 G6, ML310e Gen8, ML350e Gen8, ML350p Gen8
HPE Serviceguard Cluster File System for RAC - (v. 5.1) - licence - electronic - HP-UX
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (5 years) - 100000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
HPE StoreEver Archive Manager - Capacity Upgrade - 2 PB capacity - ESD - requires HPE StoreEver Archive Manager Base Licence - Linux, Win
Micro Focus Data Protector Zero Downtime Backup - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - Linux
Mellanox Unified Fabric Manager Advanced - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - Linux
HPE Network Node Manager i for Linux - (v. 10.00) - media - ESD - Linux - French
HPE Serviceguard for Linux x86 Advanced - Flexible licence + 1 Year 24x7 Software Support - 1 socket - Linux
VMware Horizon Advanced - Licence + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 10 concurrent users - OEM - electronic - Linux, Win
Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization - Premium subscription (3 years) + 3 Years 24x7 Support - 2 sockets - electronic - Linux
Visual Paradigm Modeler Edition - Maintenance (renewal) (1 year) - 1 seat - before expiration - Linux, Win, Mac
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - Linux
HPE MetroCluster with continuous access XP - Licence - HP-UX
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 instance - upgrade from SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for SQL Server or Oracle SE - volume - 200-399 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass OnGuard - Licence - 100000 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Nagios XI Standard - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance & Support - 1000 nodes - ESD - Linux
PostgreSQL Data Access Components (PgDAC) Professional Edition - (v. 4.3) - Site Licence (product upgrade) - unlimited developers, 1 company at 1 physical address - upgrade from Standard Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
Micro Focus Data Protector Instant Recovery - Licence + 1 Year 24x7 Support - 1TB capacity - ESD - HP-UX
SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for Oracle EE, DB2, or Sybase - Upgrade licence - 1 additional instance - volume - 50-74 licences - maintenance expires on same day as existing licence - Linux, UNIX, Win
HPE Remote Graphics Software - (v. 7) - upgrade licence - electronic - Linux, Win
HPE Aruba ClearPass Enterprise - Subscription licence (1 year) - 2500 endpoints - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac
Nagios XI Standard - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance & Support - 300 nodes - ESD - Linux
SolarWinds Serv-U MFT Server - Licence + 1 Year Maintenance - 1 server - volume - 2-4 licences - Linux, Win, BlackBerry OS, Android, iOS
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 - Buy-out fee - 1 device CAL - GOV - Open Value Subscription - Level D - additional product - Linux, Win - All Languages
Dell iDRAC9 Enterprise 15G - Licence - Linux, Win
ODAC Professional Edition - Upgrade licence + 1 Year Subscription - 1 developer - upgrade from Standard Edition - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS
HPE Docker Enterprise Edition Advanced - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - up to 2 CPU sockets - ESD - UNIX
HP Service Manager by Subscription - Subscription licence (1 year) + 1 Year 9x5 Support - hosted - electronic - UNIX, Win
SecureBridge Professional Edition - Subscription (renewal) (1 year) - 1 developer - ESD - Linux, Win, Mac, FreeBSD, Android, iOS - with source code
HPE Network Node Manager i for Linux - (v. 10.20) - media - ESD - Linux - English
Juniper Networks Steel-Belted Radius Carrier Session State Registrar Cluster Expansion Kit - Licence - 2 additional nodes - Solaris